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Feature your business or organization

With Chautauqua Gazette, it isn't just about advertising. It's about building deeper connections within our local community.

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Exposure via

Local Reach

Residents and visitors across the county will see your customized advertisement at over 250 distribution sites, including grocers, restaurants, hotels, retailers, local offices, and more. With placements all over Chautauqua, we help businesses increase visibility among potential customers who value local products and services.

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Connection via

Community Engagement

When you promote your business in the Chautauqua Gazette, you are connecting with the community and showcasing your commitment to local economic growth.

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Digital Presence via

Online Advertising

In addition to our print publication, we maintain a robust website and active social media channels. Your advertisement will reach a wider audience online, ensuring increased exposure in print and across digital platforms.

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Affordable Advertising via

Cost-Effective Rates

Our advertising rates are designed to be accessible for businesses of all sizes, allowing you to maximize your marketing budget while reaching a diverse audience.

Keep local journalism alive

By choosing to advertise with us, you are not only promoting your business, but also supporting local journalism. Your investment helps ensure that the Chautauqua Gazette can continue providing valuable news and information to our community!

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Size (W × H)
1⁄16 Page Ad
4.875" × 1.75"
⅛ Page Ad
4.875" × 3.666"
¼ Page Ad
4.875" × 7.5"
½ Page Ad
9.9166" × 7.5"
Full Page Ad
9.9166" × 15.166"

For advertising opportunites

cornell@chqgazette.com | 716.720.1845